Spiritual Practices / Disciplines

  • The Prayer Practice

    AUTHOR: Practicing the Way
    TYPE: Video Based

    DESCRIPTION: A 4 week look at the practice of prayer.

    JACOB’S NOTES: The best part about this study is that it demands people practice prayer throughout the week. At the beginning of each video, there is space to talk about your experience from the following week. Videos are longer (25 ish minutes), so if you want more time for discussion, you’ll need to have people watch in advance.

  • The Solitude Practice

    AUTHOR: Practicing the Way
    TYPE: Video Based

    DESCRIPTION: A 4 week look at the practice of solitude

    JACOB’S NOTES: The best part about this study is that it demands people practice solitude throughout the week. At the beginning of each video, there is space to talk about your experience from the following week. Videos are longer (25 ish minutes), so if you want more time for discussion, you’ll need to have people watch in advance.

  • The Sabbath Practice

    AUTHOR: Practicing the Way
    TYPE: Video Based

    DESCRIPTION: A 4-week look at the practice of sabbath.

    JACOB’S NOTES: The best part about this study is that it demands people practice a sabbath throughout the week. At the beginning of each video, there is space to talk about your experience from the following week.

    Sabbath requires a lot to practice, so make sure you have good group commitment before using this study. If people don’t end up practicing on their own alongside the group discussions at Life Group, then it’s pointless to do.

    Videos are longer (25 ish minutes), so if you want more time for discussion, you’ll need to have people watch in advance.

  • The Fasting Practice

    AUTHOR: Practicing the Way
    TYPE: Video Based

    DESCRIPTION: A 4-week look at the practice of fasting.

    JACOB’S NOTES: The best part about this study is that it demands people practice fasting throughout the week. At the beginning of each video, there is space to talk about your experience from the following week. Videos are longer (25 ish minutes), so if you want more time for discussion, you’ll need to have people watch in advance.

  • The Prayer Course

    AUTHOR: Pete Greig (24-7 Prayer)
    TYPE: Video Based

    DESCRIPTION: The Prayer Course is an eight week journey through the Lord’s Prayer

    JACOB’S NOTES: This series has worked really well for one of our Life Groups. The videos are all over 20 min. So if that’s longer than you’d like, you can have people watch them in advance.

  • The Lectio Course

    AUTHOR: Pete Greig (24-7 Prayer)
    TYPE: Video Based

    DESCRIPTION: The Lectio Course is a five-session video series with Pete Greig and special guests exploring the ancient practice of Lectio Divina.

    JACOB’S NOTES: This course has a really helpful/detailed leaders guide. The success of this series depends on if people practice Lectio Davina on their own throughout the week. If they don’t, then you may not love this series.

    The advice I was given was to check out the Prayer Course before starting this one. There is no right or wrong order to do them in (and you don’t need to do both), but I know one group that did both and appreciated doing the Prayer Course first.

