Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me.”

Matthew 4:19

What does it mean to follow Jesus?

We believe that the invitation to follow Jesus is an invitation to be his disciple— or apprentice. The goal of any disciple is to become like their teacher and discipleship to Jesus is no different. In order to become like Jesus, we have to allow His Spirit to transform us as we engage in his teaching, as we adopt his practices, and as we participate in community. This tranformation is what we refer to as spiritual formation.

  • The things we believe shape the person we ultimately become. By engaging in scripture and the teachings of Jesus, we renew our minds by progressively replacing our own destructive images and ideas with the images and ideas that filled the mind of Jesus.

  • The things we do play a big role in shaping the person we ultimately become. If our goal is to become like Jesus, then we need to adopt His practices into our everyday rhythms— practices based on His lifestyle, His teaching, and His ministry.

  • The people we surround ourselves with play a vital role in shaping the person we ultimately become. If we are seeking to be formed into the likeness of Jesus, then surrounding ourselves by other apprentices of Jesus is vital.

Intentional Spiritual Formation

How do I engage in the teaching, practice and community of Jesus?

We believe that the best way to create space to engage in these things is through a personal Rule of Life.

What opportunities do we provide for you to engage in the teaching, practice and community of Jesus?



Below are some practices of Jesus that we believe are essential to forming us into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Click on any image to learn more!


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We offer different opportunities that allow men and women to gather together and enjoy fellowship with one another.

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