
a man who
had two sons

This page is dedicated as a follow up to Pastor Jacob’s sermon on March 17th, 2024.

Below are the questions Jacob encouraged us to reflect on regarding Jesus’ parable of “the man who had two sons” in Luke 15:11-32. Where do you find yourself in the story?

“Whoever has ears, let them hear.”

Matthew 13:9

Where do I find myself in this story? Who do I most identify with?

Is it with the younger son?

  • Have I found my heart more captivated by created things than the creator of those things? Whether that be money, power, influence, control, material gain, sexual freedom, food, leisure, or certain kinds of relationships.

  • Where has my pursuit of those things led me? Where have they not led me?

  • How have they impacted my relationships with those around me?

  • Are those things worth continuing to pursue?

  • Or am I going to turn towards my heavenly Father— who deeply loves me— and trust, that the life he desires for me, is truly best for me.

Do I identify more with the elder son?

  • Do I find myself doing a lot of things that I think God would want me doing?

  • What is my motivation for doing so? Is it a response to the loving relationship I have with my heavenly Father? Or is my heart after something else? Am I chasing approval—from God or from people? Or maybe earthly blessing of some kind —where in a way, serving God is just my strategy for getting it something I know he can give me.

  • If you’re struggling to pinpoint where your heart is at. Consider this…

    • When someone has wronged GOD, & turns to him in repentance, does that bring me joy? Or am I met with feelings that they don’t merit his love.  

    • When someone has wronged ME, and they acknowledge it to me, do I receive their repentance with joy and gladness that they have made restitution, or do I receive it with pride & anger and frustration, and continue to hold it against them?

    • What might that say about the orientation of my heart, and my need for God’s love and grace to deepen itself into the depths of my heart.

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

Ephesians 3:20